all postcodes in CW9 / NORTHWICH

find any address or company within the CW9 postcode district

Postcode Area

CW / Crewe

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CW9 5BH 1 1 53.261936 -2.50947
CW9 5BJ 2 2 53.26076 -2.514897
CW9 5BN 1 1 53.260439 -2.514774
CW9 5BP 1 1 53.261446 -2.514592
CW9 5BS 5 5 53.260194 -2.515371
CW9 5BT 1 1 53.260291 -2.515702
CW9 5BU 2 1 53.260544 -2.514879
CW9 5BW 1 1 53.261175 -2.515098
CW9 5BX 1 1 53.260498 -2.5156
CW9 5BY 8 7 53.260851 -2.515124
CW9 5BZ 1 1 53.260823 -2.515364
CW9 5DD 9 9 53.261677 -2.514743
CW9 5DE 18 12 53.262044 -2.513519
CW9 5DH 1 1 53.262094 -2.512441
CW9 5DL 2 2 53.262129 -2.51223
CW9 5DP 5 4 53.262595 -2.510481
CW9 5DR 18 13 53.262327 -2.509968
CW9 5DW 10 10 53.262189 -2.511137
CW9 5DY 17 14 53.262372 -2.508411
CW9 5DZ 2 2 53.262431 -2.508785