all postcodes in CW9 / NORTHWICH

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Postcode Area

CW / Crewe

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CW9 5JB 37 0 53.259565 -2.511106
CW9 5JE 3 3 53.258921 -2.512418
CW9 5JF 7 5 53.261389 -2.50708
CW9 5JJ 3 3 53.257886 -2.514804
CW9 5JL 30 3 53.257791 -2.513828
CW9 5JN 46 10 53.256316 -2.51402
CW9 5JP 20 0 53.2572 -2.513476
CW9 5JQ 1 1 53.25915 -2.513425
CW9 5JS 30 0 53.257993 -2.512916
CW9 5LA 14 11 53.262317 -2.512382
CW9 5LG 7 6 53.263776 -2.509656
CW9 5LH 4 4 53.263832 -2.504874
CW9 5LJ 36 0 53.264187 -2.506409
CW9 5LL 23 1 53.263737 -2.506523
CW9 5LN 1 1 53.266355 -2.508174
CW9 5LP 6 5 53.262645 -2.505476
CW9 5LR 1 1 53.262842 -2.503484
CW9 5LS 2 2 53.263741 -2.50081
CW9 5LT 27 5 53.261914 -2.499319
CW9 5LU 23 3 53.262424 -2.49976