all postcodes in DA12 / GRAVESEND

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Postcode Area

DA / Dartford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DA12 2RL 1 1 51.441245 0.378323
DA12 2RN 15 15 51.443148 0.383891
DA12 2RQ 17 3 51.441054 0.374932
DA12 2RR 1 1 51.443548 0.382285
DA12 2RS 9 9 51.441448 0.384321
DA12 2RT 40 0 51.441853 0.382024
DA12 2RU 26 24 51.442709 0.389956
DA12 2RW 2 2 51.443086 0.384248
DA12 2RX 57 1 51.440685 0.382855
DA12 2SA 33 0 51.439696 0.382474
DA12 2SB 26 0 51.440235 0.382056
DA12 2SD 42 0 51.440387 0.381602
DA12 2SH 14 0 51.441223 0.3812
DA12 2SJ 16 0 51.44162 0.380732
DA12 2SL 39 0 51.440756 0.379837
DA12 2SN 35 0 51.441445 0.383096
DA12 2SP 35 0 51.440425 0.380597
DA12 2SR 53 0 51.440822 0.379236
DA12 2SS 10 0 51.441381 0.380503
DA12 2SW 28 0 51.441648 0.383265