all postcodes in DA12 / GRAVESEND

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Postcode Area

DA / Dartford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DA12 3AB 2 0 51.382019 0.396219
DA12 3AJ 3 0 51.393144 0.390073
DA12 3AL 14 0 51.394588 0.386712
DA12 3AN 9 3 51.402694 0.386991
DA12 3AP 3 0 51.393213 0.391945
DA12 3AS 49 0 51.384833 0.379507
DA12 3AT 22 0 51.383621 0.381183
DA12 3AU 8 0 51.383817 0.379928
DA12 3AW 5 0 51.401603 0.384935
DA12 3AX 20 1 51.383424 0.379793
DA12 3AY 32 0 51.386062 0.38141
DA12 3AZ 2 0 51.384751 0.381328
DA12 3BG 35 0 51.389446 0.398921
DA12 3BH 6 1 51.400914 0.40152
DA12 3BL 4 2 51.394728 0.418921
DA12 3BN 8 2 51.390293 0.402344
DA12 3BP 6 0 51.390809 0.404843
DA12 3BS 13 1 51.389342 0.411867
DA12 3BT 3 0 51.388612 0.403664
DA12 3BU 32 0 51.389481 0.401626