all postcodes in DA12 / GRAVESEND

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Postcode Area

DA / Dartford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DA12 1EJ 21 0 51.44111 0.372114
DA12 1EL 44 0 51.439853 0.371603
DA12 1EN 12 5 51.441238 0.371171
DA12 1EP 14 0 51.438793 0.372023
DA12 1EQ 15 0 51.440739 0.373548
DA12 1ER 39 20 51.440046 0.370936
DA12 1EW 26 12 51.441508 0.370725
DA12 1EX 19 0 51.437743 0.372745
DA12 1EY 13 6 51.43918 0.371525
DA12 1EZ 19 1 51.438283 0.372313
DA12 1HB 5 0 51.437973 0.372915
DA12 1HD 12 0 51.436977 0.371496
DA12 1HE 2 0 51.436813 0.373417
DA12 1HF 87 1 51.437652 0.372396
DA12 1HG 50 0 51.437351 0.371228
DA12 1HH 4 0 51.437003 0.371987
DA12 1HJ 39 1 51.438062 0.369883
DA12 1HL 40 0 51.43822 0.370928
DA12 1HN 48 0 51.43822 0.370928
DA12 1HP 9 0 51.434268 0.379586