all postcodes in DA12 / GRAVESEND

find any address or company within the DA12 postcode district

Postcode Area

DA / Dartford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DA12 1LD 42 2 51.436679 0.371122
DA12 1LE 31 0 51.436143 0.368691
DA12 1LF 24 0 51.435492 0.36929
DA12 1LG 3 0 51.434439 0.369811
DA12 1LH 14 0 51.434259 0.36891
DA12 1LJ 8 0 51.434124 0.370241
DA12 1LL 25 0 51.432713 0.372009
DA12 1LN 20 0 51.433665 0.370706
DA12 1LP 55 0 51.432457 0.37309
DA12 1LQ 12 0 51.434939 0.36952
DA12 1LR 6 0 51.432379 0.371143
DA12 1LS 23 0 51.431722 0.373887
DA12 1LT 13 0 51.437241 0.374446
DA12 1LU 3 3 51.438002 0.375492
DA12 1LW 7 0 51.433725 0.373515
DA12 1LX 43 1 51.437363 0.377345
DA12 1LY 72 0 51.436776 0.378278
DA12 1LZ 38 0 51.436961 0.37669
DA12 1NA 56 0 51.438659 0.37944
DA12 1NB 63 0 51.436596 0.376067