all postcodes in DA15 / SIDCUP

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Postcode Area

DA / Dartford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DA15 8EP 53 0 51.442893 0.095474
DA15 8ER 51 0 51.440722 0.092181
DA15 8ES 12 0 51.439202 0.090687
DA15 8ET 6 0 51.439307 0.090317
DA15 8EU 57 0 51.440884 0.091656
DA15 8EW 32 0 51.440428 0.093549
DA15 8EX 8 0 51.442375 0.092789
DA15 8EY 20 0 51.44311 0.091453
DA15 8EZ 9 0 51.443642 0.091321
DA15 8GU 2 0 51.45085 0.095635
DA15 8HA 35 0 51.441127 0.090631
DA15 8HB 35 0 51.44133 0.090352
DA15 8HD 11 0 51.441452 0.097106
DA15 8HE 44 0 51.443511 0.09415
DA15 8HF 50 0 51.443708 0.093699
DA15 8HL 41 0 51.444371 0.092793
DA15 8HN 40 0 51.445469 0.08821
DA15 8HP 40 0 51.444122 0.093142
DA15 8HQ 6 0 51.440596 0.096693
DA15 8HR 58 0 51.446884 0.091095