all postcodes in DA15 / SIDCUP

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Postcode Area

DA / Dartford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DA15 8PR 55 22 51.451202 0.100561
DA15 8PS 16 7 51.450913 0.102146
DA15 8PT 32 6 51.451222 0.09797
DA15 8PU 30 0 51.450814 0.096627
DA15 8PW 32 17 51.450569 0.101741
DA15 8PX 9 0 51.451307 0.095169
DA15 8PY 14 0 51.451498 0.097063
DA15 8PZ 40 1 51.451984 0.093055
DA15 8QA 20 0 51.452108 0.097134
DA15 8QB 15 0 51.451567 0.089179
DA15 8QD 16 3 51.450939 0.087581
DA15 8QG 10 0 51.446918 0.095184
DA15 8QJ 8 0 51.447576 0.095099
DA15 8QL 19 0 51.447468 0.093626
DA15 8QN 27 0 51.450143 0.093907
DA15 8QP 43 0 51.449486 0.095445
DA15 8QQ 26 0 51.447733 0.094386
DA15 8QR 43 0 51.449777 0.094739
DA15 8QS 45 0 51.449563 0.096154
DA15 8QT 9 0 51.450675 0.093326