all postcodes in DA3 / LONGFIELD

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Postcode Area

DA / Dartford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DA3 8AN 16 0 51.382963 0.313485
DA3 8AP 9 0 51.383809 0.312551
DA3 8AR 33 0 51.384776 0.314568
DA3 8AS 35 0 51.384633 0.315452
DA3 8AT 2 0 51.386234 0.3195
DA3 8AU 10 0 51.382438 0.31731
DA3 8AW 19 0 51.382305 0.313567
DA3 8AX 2 0 51.380062 0.313727
DA3 8BA 5 0 51.383015 0.314034
DA3 8BG 4 4 51.388168 0.304434
DA3 8BH 5 0 51.387377 0.303546
DA3 8BJ 21 0 51.386171 0.304923
DA3 8BL 33 1 51.385607 0.306619
DA3 8BP 35 0 51.384241 0.307053
DA3 8BQ 15 0 51.387355 0.304163
DA3 8BS 11 1 51.384184 0.303544
DA3 8BT 27 1 51.383393 0.303058
DA3 8BU 14 0 51.38282 0.302958
DA3 8BW 10 0 51.384632 0.303149
DA3 8BX 13 0 51.3827 0.304015