all postcodes in DA3 / LONGFIELD

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Postcode Area

DA / Dartford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DA3 8DA 48 0 51.381926 0.302669
DA3 8DB 14 0 51.382877 0.306913
DA3 8DD 59 0 51.381026 0.30317
DA3 8DH 5 0 51.387209 0.30749
DA3 8DJ 21 0 51.388553 0.306379
DA3 8DL 24 1 51.3875 0.306427
DA3 8DN 12 0 51.385902 0.30902
DA3 8DP 37 0 51.386895 0.30562
DA3 8DR 13 0 51.380463 0.311634
DA3 8DS 43 3 51.383475 0.308955
DA3 8DT 34 0 51.378236 0.314684
DA3 8DW 18 0 51.38472 0.309636
DA3 8DY 16 0 51.374282 0.316798
DA3 8DZ 24 0 51.370886 0.312991
DA3 8EB 10 0 51.380756 0.306835
DA3 8EG 5 0 51.392375 0.294957
DA3 8EH 18 4 51.385453 0.303967
DA3 8EL 24 8 51.383735 0.305792
DA3 8EN 4 0 51.385767 0.304442
DA3 8EP 2 0 51.384017 0.304685