all postcodes in DA3 / LONGFIELD

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Postcode Area

DA / Dartford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DA3 8EQ 4 0 51.388468 0.292821
DA3 8ER 18 0 51.383025 0.305325
DA3 8ES 10 0 51.381232 0.307333
DA3 8ET 21 0 51.382708 0.308184
DA3 8EU 48 0 51.382429 0.309564
DA3 8EW 3 0 51.385113 0.304323
DA3 8EX 16 1 51.378827 0.305214
DA3 8EY 17 0 51.380512 0.305041
DA3 8EZ 24 0 51.366841 0.298277
DA3 8HA 35 9 51.375533 0.303052
DA3 8HB 3 0 51.371668 0.30293
DA3 8HE 1 1 51.388232 0.304394
DA3 8HF 1 0 51.368949 0.268987
DA3 8HG 5 1 51.366102 0.304288
DA3 8HH 2 2 51.365344 0.304867
DA3 8HJ 12 0 51.364852 0.303823
DA3 8HN 55 0 51.367432 0.301611
DA3 8HP 48 0 51.363939 0.303619
DA3 8HQ 1 1 51.363832 0.30541
DA3 8HR 46 1 51.363702 0.301912