all postcodes in DD2 / DUNDEE

find any address or company within the DD2 postcode district

Postcode Area

DD / Dundee

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DD2 1ED 2 0 56.456341 -2.993888
DD2 1EF 24 0 56.463466 -3.029061
DD2 1EH 3 2 56.456951 -2.996221
DD2 1EJ 21 1 56.456793 -2.996866
DD2 1EL 16 2 56.456763 -2.998326
DD2 1EN 39 1 56.456379 -2.999159
DD2 1EP 21 0 56.456356 -2.997585
DD2 1EQ 15 0 56.456204 -2.996348
DD2 1ER 22 0 56.45684 -2.995521
DD2 1ES 65 0 56.457345 -2.995242
DD2 1ET 32 0 56.457662 -2.996061
DD2 1EU 55 0 56.458088 -2.995651
DD2 1EW 15 0 56.458248 -2.996937
DD2 1EX 12 0 56.458688 -2.998039
DD2 1EY 21 1 56.459049 -2.998954
DD2 1GY 20 0 56.458715 -2.999172
DD2 1HA 42 0 56.459594 -2.999438
DD2 1HB 3 0 56.460236 -2.999975
DD2 1HD 33 0 56.458309 -2.999356
DD2 1HE 6 0 56.457681 -2.999307