all postcodes in DD5 / DUNDEE

find any address or company within the DD5 postcode district

Postcode Area

DD / Dundee

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DD5 3QR 19 0 56.538688 -2.815369
DD5 3QS 5 0 56.538696 -2.812958
DD5 3QT 11 0 56.532892 -2.796331
DD5 3QW 10 0 56.533344 -2.815379
DD5 3QX 3 0 56.479425 -2.866388
DD5 3GB 10 0 56.486324 -2.854821
DD5 3GG 25 0 56.486749 -2.857022
DD5 3QZ 2 0 56.483975 -2.857938
DD5 3GE 11 0 56.488498 -2.853522
DD5 3RA 5 0 56.482642 -2.848113
DD5 3RB 8 1 56.499245 -2.846811
DD5 3RD 5 0 56.507275 -2.851019
DD5 3RE 46 1 56.507923 -2.838994
DD5 3RF 5 0 56.505638 -2.82593
DD5 3RG 8 0 56.509748 -2.818658
DD5 3RH 51 2 56.514736 -2.816962
DD5 3RJ 16 0 56.515192 -2.818662
DD5 3RL 10 2 56.510024 -2.806559
DD5 3RP 12 0 56.479997 -2.857828
DD5 3RQ 35 0 56.51576 -2.815554