all postcodes in DD5 / DUNDEE

find any address or company within the DD5 postcode district

Postcode Area

DD / Dundee

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DD5 3PN 14 0 56.525885 -2.869826
DD5 3PP 13 1 56.526577 -2.881395
DD5 3PQ 6 0 56.513476 -2.877922
DD5 3PT 53 0 56.520293 -2.862721
DD5 3PU 8 0 56.519063 -2.862611
DD5 3PW 15 0 56.518951 -2.863291
DD5 3PX 6 0 56.516033 -2.821882
DD5 3PY 6 0 56.520115 -2.811735
DD5 3PZ 10 1 56.52751 -2.810393
DD5 3QA 42 1 56.534961 -2.815175
DD5 3QD 9 3 56.536986 -2.832401
DD5 3QE 9 0 56.537242 -2.866049
DD5 3QF 18 1 56.528399 -2.854728
DD5 3QG 20 0 56.547568 -2.857697
DD5 3QH 17 1 56.551067 -2.836126
DD5 3QJ 14 0 56.553245 -2.793017
DD5 3QL 17 0 56.543918 -2.7776
DD5 3QN 38 3 56.533563 -2.793955
DD5 3QP 76 0 56.538074 -2.818733
DD5 3QQ 28 0 56.539149 -2.815195