all postcodes in DD8 / KIRRIEMUIR

find any address or company within the DD8 postcode district

Postcode Area

DD / Dundee

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DD8 1DB 37 0 56.642397 -2.895852
DD8 1DD 12 4 56.64201 -2.89475
DD8 1DE 18 0 56.64167 -2.895753
DD8 1DF 22 0 56.641454 -2.89459
DD8 1DG 6 1 56.641245 -2.897248
DD8 1DH 13 0 56.640935 -2.896812
DD8 1DJ 7 0 56.640765 -2.897982
DD8 1DL 5 0 56.640979 -2.898264
DD8 1DN 44 0 56.641104 -2.899571
DD8 1DP 2 0 56.640223 -2.899408
DD8 1DQ 22 0 56.639116 -2.901203
DD8 1DR 4 0 56.639148 -2.9029
DD8 1DS 5 1 56.640194 -2.904897
DD8 1DT 29 0 56.64098 -2.901786
DD8 1DU 21 1 56.64167 -2.900742
DD8 1DW 25 1 56.642638 -2.898662
DD8 1DX 48 0 56.641932 -2.898058
DD8 1DY 15 0 56.641327 -2.893478
DD8 1DZ 26 0 56.640035 -2.892078
DD8 1EA 17 1 56.639967 -2.892712