all postcodes in DD8 / KIRRIEMUIR

find any address or company within the DD8 postcode district

Postcode Area

DD / Dundee

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DD8 1EB 38 0 56.639972 -2.893332
DD8 1ED 4 0 56.64057 -2.893819
DD8 1EE 14 0 56.641155 -2.893768
DD8 1EG 35 0 56.638602 -2.905153
DD8 1EH 3 0 56.640432 -2.900615
DD8 1EJ 32 0 56.635607 -2.904364
DD8 1EN 4 0 56.637619 -2.904445
DD8 1EP 65 0 56.637715 -2.902246
DD8 1EQ 37 0 56.637976 -2.90473
DD8 1ER 50 0 56.636518 -2.902641
DD8 1ES 37 0 56.637147 -2.901336
DD8 1ET 9 0 56.64119 -2.898791
DD8 1EU 24 0 56.637072 -2.905426
DD8 1EW 41 0 56.637257 -2.903474
DD8 1EX 1 1 56.645438 -2.890249
DD8 1EZ 25 0 56.639494 -2.899761
DD8 1FR 1 1 56.638854 -2.908778
DD8 1HA 30 1 56.642563 -2.8916
DD8 1HB 29 0 56.634569 -2.9001
DD8 1HD 58 0 56.635272 -2.90222