all postcodes in DD8 / KIRRIEMUIR

find any address or company within the DD8 postcode district

Postcode Area

DD / Dundee

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
DD8 3BA19056.648127-2.883626
DD8 3BB16056.647296-2.883052
DD8 3BD4056.646741-2.882489
DD8 3BE2056.64642-2.882123
DD8 3BG9056.646402-2.881025
DD8 3BH29156.647363-2.882434
DD8 3BJ34356.647402-2.881962
DD8 3BL25656.649293-2.883947
DD8 3BN12456.649205-2.883586
DD8 3BQ10356.649962-2.883343
DD8 3BR12256.648958-2.884281
DD8 3BT141456.653626-2.880998
DD8 3NG5156.658687-2.871671
DD8 3DA12056.649914-2.873605
DD8 3DB2056.649006-2.874682
DD8 3DD60056.647586-2.880042
DD8 3DE7056.647406-2.878864
DD8 3DG44156.648721-2.880982
DD8 3DH4056.648408-2.874418
DD8 3DL18056.649242-2.880945