all postcodes in DD8 / KIRRIEMUIR

find any address or company within the DD8 postcode district

Postcode Area

DD / Dundee

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DD8 3DN 28 0 56.648011 -2.878437
DD8 3DP 10 1 56.64679 -2.87836
DD8 3DQ 10 0 56.646849 -2.877611
DD8 3DR 6 0 56.647925 -2.876576
DD8 3DS 8 0 56.647761 -2.876931
DD8 3DT 29 0 56.647597 -2.876014
DD8 3DU 8 0 56.649226 -2.874051
DD8 3DW 7 0 56.649766 -2.871612
DD8 3DX 8 4 56.651861 -2.868774
DD8 3DY 6 2 56.652228 -2.87162
DD8 3DZ 14 0 56.652711 -2.870555
DD8 3EA 23 0 56.653087 -2.870824
DD8 3EB 20 0 56.652594 -2.873194
DD8 3ED 2 0 56.650445 -2.873214
DD8 3EF 32 0 56.653551 -2.87382
DD8 3EG 18 0 56.653206 -2.873013
DD8 3EH 10 0 56.652568 -2.875624
DD8 3EJ 9 1 56.652312 -2.874965
DD8 3EL 31 0 56.653651 -2.876236
DD8 3EN 1 0 56.657796 -2.857606