all postcodes in DE11 / SWADLINCOTE

find any address or company within the DE11 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE11 8DJ 6 0 52.765733 -1.534421
DE11 8DL 19 0 52.766665 -1.536056
DE11 8DN 16 0 52.764107 -1.534883
DE11 8DQ 60 0 52.766769 -1.53521
DE11 8DS 19 0 52.764248 -1.533978
DE11 8DT 24 0 52.7646 -1.534359
DE11 8DU 4 0 52.761963 -1.552348
DE11 8DX 9 0 52.767979 -1.534145
DE11 8EB 20 1 52.769855 -1.547391
DE11 8ED 22 14 52.769038 -1.5456
DE11 8EE 6 5 52.767015 -1.547799
DE11 8EG 1 1 52.767647 -1.548489
DE11 8EH 15 0 52.777748 -1.542728
DE11 8EJ 4 4 52.764382 -1.552694
DE11 8EL 6 5 52.763525 -1.554252
DE11 8EN 43 2 52.761871 -1.551801
DE11 8EP 40 0 52.776645 -1.54354
DE11 8ER 17 0 52.760568 -1.551903
DE11 8ES 26 0 52.758006 -1.547188
DE11 8ET 3 3 52.762257 -1.544662