all postcodes in DE11 / SWADLINCOTE

find any address or company within the DE11 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE11 8EW 19 0 52.759599 -1.550016
DE11 8EX 38 8 52.763155 -1.539635
DE11 8EY 8 0 52.763128 -1.537428
DE11 8FB 18 0 52.760528 -1.550792
DE11 8FD 19 0 52.7589 -1.550646
DE11 8FE 11 0 52.776775 -1.544532
DE11 8HA 56 1 52.75783 -1.553087
DE11 8HB 24 0 52.754747 -1.555563
DE11 8HD 55 1 52.754904 -1.556614
DE11 8HE 55 0 52.761003 -1.552847
DE11 8HF 19 0 52.757783 -1.552651
DE11 8HL 27 5 52.771933 -1.552498
DE11 8HS 17 15 52.772911 -1.554311
DE11 8HW 11 0 52.772255 -1.552139
DE11 8HY 27 18 52.773339 -1.556124
DE11 8JA 22 19 52.773017 -1.554013
DE11 8JB 1 1 52.773428 -1.555536
DE11 8JD 16 0 52.775622 -1.541668
DE11 8JE 19 17 52.773501 -1.555817
DE11 8JG 3 3 52.773739 -1.557089