all postcodes in DE11 / SWADLINCOTE

find any address or company within the DE11 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE11 8JJ 7 1 52.773213 -1.555864
DE11 8JL 14 13 52.77161 -1.557467
DE11 8JN 12 0 52.7763 -1.540134
DE11 8JP 17 0 52.775797 -1.540332
DE11 8JR 22 0 52.77563 -1.548472
DE11 8JT 5 0 52.776589 -1.5428
DE11 8JU 27 12 52.774774 -1.555092
DE11 8JW 9 0 52.77631 -1.542891
DE11 8JX 74 0 52.775482 -1.54247
DE11 8JY 8 0 52.775193 -1.554139
DE11 8JZ 12 2 52.775584 -1.552964
DE11 8LB 43 0 52.774616 -1.553656
DE11 8LD 25 0 52.775054 -1.552836
DE11 8LE 29 6 52.772815 -1.552845
DE11 8LF 21 3 52.774781 -1.552128
DE11 8LG 6 0 52.772964 -1.55185
DE11 8LH 27 0 52.774854 -1.549963
DE11 8LJ 18 0 52.773778 -1.550685
DE11 8LL 1 0 52.77289 -1.553555
DE11 8LN 1 1 52.773776 -1.552657