all postcodes in DE1 / DERBY

find any address or company within the DE1 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE1 3TE 28 0 52.926256 -1.486068
DE1 3QF 12 0 52.923529 -1.477053
DE1 3JF 1 52.924672 -1.479274
DE1 3DB 1 52.926886 -1.477864
DE1 3GB 0 52.926781 -1.480662
DE1 3HT 21 0 52.926639 -1.481125
DE1 3BF 3 0 52.929888 -1.481871
DE1 3UA 0 52.926325 -1.48526
DE1 3UB 0 52.926388 -1.485382
DE1 3UD 0 52.926388 -1.485382
DE1 3UE 0 52.926388 -1.485382
DE1 3UF 0 52.926388 -1.485382
DE1 3UG 0 52.926262 -1.485291
DE1 3HD 1 1 52.927526 -1.482286
DE1 3FG 82 0 52.929933 -1.477947
DE1 3SU 1 1 52.925808 -1.478112
DE1 3HE 35 0 52.926425 -1.483355
DE1 3PE 351 0 52.925104 -1.479533
DE1 3JB 40 0 52.926741 -1.481745
DE1 3JD 14 0 52.927102 -1.481993