all postcodes in DE1 / DERBY

find any address or company within the DE1 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE1 9LF 0 52.914939 -1.465616
DE1 9LL 1 1 52.914939 -1.465616
DE1 9NR 1 1 52.914939 -1.465616
DE1 9NN 1 1 52.914939 -1.465616
DE1 9NX 1 1 52.914939 -1.465616
DE1 9PE 1 52.914939 -1.465616
DE1 9PP 1 1 52.91504 -1.466139
DE1 9PY 1 1 52.914939 -1.465616
DE1 9QJ 1 1 52.914939 -1.465616
DE1 9QT 1 1 52.914939 -1.465616
DE1 9QY 1 1 52.914939 -1.465616
DE1 9RR 1 0 52.914939 -1.465616
DE1 9RH 1 52.914939 -1.465616
DE1 9RX 1 52.914939 -1.465616
DE1 9TB 1 52.914842 -1.466078
DE1 9TG 1 52.914939 -1.465616
DE1 9TQ 1 52.914939 -1.465616
DE1 9YA 1 1 52.914939 -1.465616
DE1 9YB 1 0 52.915058 -1.466135
DE1 9YD 1 1 52.914939 -1.465616