all postcodes in DE23 / DERBY

find any address or company within the DE23 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE23 2PD 44 0 52.886463 -1.505725
DE23 2PE 9 0 52.887213 -1.506846
DE23 2PF 22 0 52.885729 -1.504336
DE23 2PG 12 0 52.886189 -1.506976
DE23 2PH 12 0 52.885997 -1.506176
DE23 2PJ 32 0 52.885884 -1.50698
DE23 2PL 16 0 52.887285 -1.509059
DE23 2PN 11 0 52.887615 -1.508402
DE23 2PP 35 0 52.885638 -1.508409
DE23 2PQ 12 0 52.885074 -1.506944
DE23 2QG 26 0 52.890248 -1.50592
DE23 2QH 39 0 52.889174 -1.507151
DE23 2QJ 45 0 52.887771 -1.507018
DE23 2QL 15 6 52.887457 -1.504893
DE23 2QN 35 0 52.886435 -1.503332
DE23 2QP 37 0 52.885511 -1.501693
DE23 2QQ 33 0 52.887881 -1.505174
DE23 2QR 30 0 52.888932 -1.505132
DE23 2QS 14 0 52.889659 -1.504797
DE23 2QT 25 0 52.888845 -1.505742