all postcodes in DE23 / DERBY

find any address or company within the DE23 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE23 2QU 25 0 52.888236 -1.506329
DE23 2RY 15 0 52.893924 -1.512329
DE23 2TA 37 0 52.892864 -1.51026
DE23 2TD 28 0 52.892897 -1.509472
DE23 2TE 12 0 52.891837 -1.509811
DE23 2TF 15 0 52.891308 -1.510069
DE23 2TG 25 0 52.892607 -1.511244
DE23 2TZ 9 0 52.891232 -1.509119
DE23 2UB 15 0 52.882888 -1.502095
DE23 2UR 34 0 52.892025 -1.51183
DE23 2UT 7 0 52.893126 -1.512754
DE23 2UU 16 0 52.893068 -1.511833
DE23 2UX 7 0 52.891668 -1.512384
DE23 2UY 6 0 52.892373 -1.513357
DE23 2UZ 5 0 52.892834 -1.514021
DE23 2XE 18 0 52.885024 -1.507747
DE23 2XL 68 0 52.88545 -1.510804
DE23 2XN 15 0 52.885009 -1.508654
DE23 2YS 24 0 52.886042 -1.510619