all postcodes in DE23 / DERBY

find any address or company within the DE23 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE23 6FN 16 11 52.907056 -1.503272
DE23 6FP 10 9 52.906397 -1.504796
DE23 6FQ 10 10 52.905867 -1.504776
DE23 6FS 19 8 52.905752 -1.505342
DE23 6FT 22 1 52.905547 -1.507957
DE23 6FW 9 0 52.905313 -1.510045
DE23 6FX 24 1 52.905302 -1.505001
DE23 6FY 22 0 52.90478 -1.505085
DE23 6FZ 26 3 52.905 -1.508172
DE23 6GA 22 1 52.905128 -1.506434
DE23 6GD 8 0 52.904497 -1.508281
DE23 6GE 14 0 52.904484 -1.507285
DE23 6GF 22 1 52.904197 -1.50759
DE23 6GG 27 0 52.904628 -1.509473
DE23 6GH 7 0 52.902303 -1.510347
DE23 6GJ 5 0 52.902796 -1.50994
DE23 6GL 13 0 52.900785 -1.510721
DE23 6GN 15 0 52.900864 -1.51017
DE23 6GP 23 0 52.903393 -1.506424
DE23 6GQ 15 0 52.902302 -1.505768