all postcodes in DE23 / DERBY

find any address or company within the DE23 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE23 6GR 18 0 52.902057 -1.503065
DE23 6GS 13 0 52.903622 -1.505322
DE23 6GT 41 1 52.901823 -1.507394
DE23 6GU 17 0 52.90255 -1.507103
DE23 6GW 14 0 52.90337 -1.503258
DE23 6GX 19 0 52.903355 -1.503912
DE23 6GY 39 0 52.903442 -1.511925
DE23 6GZ 36 0 52.902991 -1.51138
DE23 6HA 18 0 52.908309 -1.493462
DE23 6HB 20 1 52.908288 -1.492659
DE23 6HD 23 0 52.907019 -1.49657
DE23 6HE 22 1 52.906568 -1.496278
DE23 6HF 14 0 52.905683 -1.495322
DE23 6HG 33 0 52.904902 -1.495435
DE23 6HH 28 0 52.904797 -1.49615
DE23 6HJ 30 0 52.903712 -1.496727
DE23 6HL 25 0 52.904358 -1.49666
DE23 6HN 8 0 52.905232 -1.499118
DE23 6HP 17 0 52.906374 -1.499254
DE23 6HQ 19 0 52.904272 -1.499516