all postcodes in DE45 / BAKEWELL

find any address or company within the DE45 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE45 1RX 8 0 53.24696 -1.614384
DE45 1RZ 52 6 53.24848 -1.620348
DE45 1SA 20 0 53.249692 -1.619904
DE45 1SB 31 1 53.247444 -1.616612
DE45 1SP 10 2 53.246144 -1.617823
DE45 1SE 22 0 53.248501 -1.615584
DE45 1SF 35 0 53.249841 -1.615677
DE45 1SG 18 0 53.250268 -1.617381
DE45 1SH 6 0 53.249838 -1.615017
DE45 1SJ 11 0 53.252466 -1.624511
DE45 1SL 14 0 53.251712 -1.624622
DE45 1SN 9 0 53.250978 -1.625618
DE45 1SR 39 7 53.24611 -1.612982
DE45 1SS 4 0 53.244909 -1.613907
DE45 1ST 8 0 53.251492 -1.623246
DE45 1SU 6 0 53.239912 -1.701846
DE45 1TA 34 7 53.242501 -1.702068
DE45 1TB 11 3 53.24319 -1.70073
DE45 1TD 6 4 53.243206 -1.696654
DE45 1TE 15 0 53.2411 -1.69565