all postcodes in DE45 / BAKEWELL

find any address or company within the DE45 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE45 1UN 15 0 53.174135 -1.692727
DE45 1UR 37 3 53.175241 -1.686121
DE45 1WL 19 2 53.175895 -1.685278
DE45 1US 20 1 53.175506 -1.687661
DE45 1UT 16 1 53.17421 -1.687042
DE45 1UU 48 0 53.174463 -1.691199
DE45 1UW 36 1 53.174341 -1.688941
DE45 1UX 5 0 53.173787 -1.690187
DE45 1UY 16 1 53.173157 -1.693602
DE45 1UZ 5 0 53.17333 -1.690983
DE45 1WA 6 0 53.173483 -1.690787
DE45 1WB 32 0 53.173658 -1.692445
DE45 1WD 20 0 53.173113 -1.690461
DE45 1WE 31 0 53.175199 -1.690685
DE45 1WF 7 0 53.175068 -1.692077
DE45 1WG 69 0 53.174396 -1.682642
DE45 1WH 12 0 53.173721 -1.682168
DE45 1WJ 28 0 53.172143 -1.683706
DE45 1WN 39 5 53.176786 -1.68219
DE45 1WP 43 0 53.176262 -1.681342