all postcodes in DE5 / RIPLEY

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Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE5 3HA 6 5 53.050071 -1.407904
DE5 3HB 22 0 53.049836 -1.409534
DE5 3HD 25 0 53.048414 -1.410866
DE5 3HE 13 2 53.046983 -1.412407
DE5 3HF 44 0 53.048882 -1.409308
DE5 3HG 7 0 53.049568 -1.407971
DE5 3HH 15 7 53.049429 -1.407046
DE5 3HJ 1 1 53.049034 -1.407292
DE5 3HL 23 1 53.048644 -1.408327
DE5 3HN 45 0 53.048308 -1.40766
DE5 3HQ 2 1 53.048044 -1.406781
DE5 3HR 24 7 53.04704 -1.405723
DE5 3HS 29 1 53.044681 -1.405055
DE5 3HT 47 4 53.042972 -1.404884
DE5 3HU 7 0 53.05277 -1.41382
DE5 3HW 50 0 53.056946 -1.405766
DE5 3HX 7 0 53.052471 -1.413227
DE5 3HY 42 1 53.044992 -1.404364
DE5 3JA 43 0 53.047706 -1.416768
DE5 3JB 5 0 53.046547 -1.389978