all postcodes in DE5 / RIPLEY

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Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE5 3JD 52 0 53.0477 -1.41735
DE5 3JE 17 14 53.050384 -1.405797
DE5 3JF 18 12 53.050158 -1.405531
DE5 3JG 60 2 53.04353 -1.403176
DE5 3JH 70 5 53.042681 -1.400503
DE5 3JJ 22 0 53.043286 -1.399331
DE5 3JL 34 0 53.042435 -1.394645
DE5 3JN 48 1 53.042881 -1.395638
DE5 3JP 10 0 53.045977 -1.423668
DE5 3JQ 56 4 53.043512 -1.392378
DE5 3JR 66 0 53.045822 -1.388944
DE5 3JS 15 0 53.045492 -1.387666
DE5 3JT 20 1 53.047956 -1.389675
DE5 3JU 20 0 53.045921 -1.406679
DE5 3JW 4 0 53.047287 -1.388879
DE5 3JX 53 3 53.047386 -1.383612
DE5 3JY 29 0 53.04685 -1.384246
DE5 3JZ 38 0 53.046588 -1.391007
DE5 3LB 6 0 53.04701 -1.389136
DE5 3LD 53 0 53.051412 -1.402829