all postcodes in DE5 / RIPLEY

find any address or company within the DE5 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE5 9QY 2 53.044139 -1.374393
DE5 9QZ 0 53.045791 -1.374222
DE5 9RA 0 53.046321 -1.379316
DE5 9RB 0 53.045461 -1.379865
DE5 9RD 0 53.045885 -1.378487
DE5 9RE 3 53.041662 -1.375356
DE5 9RF 0 53.044282 -1.383074
DE5 9RG 1 53.041268 -1.372244
DE5 9RH 0 53.040146 -1.372467
DE5 9RJ 0 53.039954 -1.370038
DE5 9RL 1 53.038342 -1.364544
DE5 9RN 1 53.040448 -1.377014
DE5 9RP 0 53.040436 -1.379982
DE5 9RQ 0 53.041551 -1.378296
DE5 9RR 0 53.041767 -1.380097
DE5 9RS 0 53.041036 -1.381226
DE5 9RT 0 53.039585 -1.382187
DE5 9RU 0 53.040909 -1.382779
DE5 9RW 0 53.039406 -1.380713
DE5 9RX 0 53.03829 -1.378701