all postcodes in DE5 / RIPLEY

find any address or company within the DE5 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE5 9TD 1 53.040976 -1.386984
DE5 9TE 1 53.038913 -1.386044
DE5 9TF 0 53.037165 -1.383683
DE5 9TG 0 53.037864 -1.386671
DE5 9TJ 0 53.038491 -1.389644
DE5 9TL 0 53.039993 -1.388147
DE5 9TN 0 53.040152 -1.385848
DE5 9TP 0 53.040967 -1.388685
DE5 9TQ 0 53.033287 -1.387911
DE5 9TR 0 53.040566 -1.389347
DE5 9TW 0 53.040556 -1.387572
DE5 9TX 0 53.039839 -1.386255
DE5 9YR 1 53.050189 -1.408171
DE5 9ZR 1 53.050189 -1.408171
DE5 9SY 1 53.041709 -1.374147
DE5 9AN 7 0 53.03944 -1.387245
DE5 9AB 2 0 53.035213 -1.376281
DE5 9AD 8 0 53.040117 -1.37548
DE5 9AE 5 0 53.045458 -1.377357
DE5 9TU 0 53.042749 -1.38727