all postcodes in DE74 / DERBY

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Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE74 2UB 2 52.853008 -1.338336
DE74 2UL 0 52.845768 -1.352439
DE74 2UN 0 52.84401 -1.351618
DE74 2UP 0 52.843414 -1.351078
DE74 2UR 0 52.843996 -1.352213
DE74 2US 8 52.853912 -1.342451
DE74 2UW 0 52.844455 -1.350795
DE74 2UZ 1 52.8259 -1.313821
DE74 2XA 0 52.844118 -1.346732
DE74 2XB 0 52.844912 -1.347195
DE74 2XD 0 52.844662 -1.349159
DE74 2XE 0 52.846372 -1.34943
DE74 2XG 0 52.846191 -1.347562
DE74 2XH 0 52.845289 -1.343864
DE74 2XJ 0 52.844079 -1.339651
DE74 2XQ 0 52.844575 -1.349635
DE74 2XR 1 52.914939 -1.465616
DE74 2YW 2 52.857116 -1.297521
DE74 2YX 0 52.847502 -1.309308
DE74 2ZN 1 52.914939 -1.465616