all postcodes in DE74 / DERBY

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Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE74 2ZS 1 52.914939 -1.465616
DE74 2SL 4 4 52.846413 -1.3058
DE74 2EF 11 0 52.84573 -1.335854
DE74 2GP 18 0 52.847213 -1.335787
DE74 2EP 21 0 52.845405 -1.335592
DE74 2QX 1 1 52.849562 -1.334652
DE74 2DG 0 52.838241 -1.286163
DE74 2EW 0 52.834361 -1.277854
DE74 2UD 5 52.854055 -1.335935
DE74 2GQ 45 0 52.837896 -1.280907
DE74 2UT 14 12 52.85112 -1.343226
DE74 2AN 4 3 52.800033 -1.356507
DE74 2UU 12 0 52.847155 -1.336723
DE74 2GR 4 0 52.841969 -1.375047
DE74 2HL 5 3 52.84708 -1.362317
DE74 2HA 4 3 52.846523 -1.359005
DE74 2AB 0 52.846102 -1.309686
DE74 2UG 1 1 52.855574 -1.338906
DE74 2UH 5 5 52.85466 -1.338109
DE74 2HB 1 0 52.914939 -1.465616