all postcodes in DE74 / DERBY

find any address or company within the DE74 postcode district

Postcode Area

DE / Derby

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DE74 2JN 0 52.840659 -1.353569
DE74 2JP 0 52.841102 -1.352345
DE74 2JQ 0 52.840281 -1.351926
DE74 2JR 0 52.839791 -1.349469
DE74 2JS 0 52.840341 -1.348095
DE74 2JT 1 52.840928 -1.350106
DE74 2JU 0 52.84274 -1.351058
DE74 2JW 0 52.840172 -1.354942
DE74 2JX 1 52.842982 -1.345977
DE74 2JY 0 52.842014 -1.343319
DE74 2JZ 0 52.842065 -1.34611
DE74 2LA 24 52.842262 -1.337653
DE74 2LB 13 52.842673 -1.337386
DE74 2LD 0 52.84395 -1.335756
DE74 2LE 5 52.842308 -1.336381
DE74 2LF 1 52.841334 -1.337361
DE74 2LG 0 52.842088 -1.337216
DE74 2LH 2 52.840486 -1.338318
DE74 2LJ 4 52.840284 -1.339212
DE74 2LN 1 52.839773 -1.337824