all postcodes in DG3 / THORNHILL

find any address or company within the DG3 postcode district

Postcode Area

DG / Dumfries

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DG3 4AB 2 0 55.240268 -3.776762
DG3 4AD 22 0 55.240644 -3.791351
DG3 4AE 2 0 55.257056 -3.817684
DG3 4AF 7 0 55.254724 -3.791591
DG3 4AG 26 1 55.273146 -3.806613
DG3 4AH 2 0 55.291999 -3.80917
DG3 4AJ 3 0 55.312943 -3.806452
DG3 4AL 7 0 55.314126 -3.824265
DG3 4AN 5 0 55.330409 -3.838564
DG3 4AP 2 0 55.283399 -3.843373
DG3 4AQ 1 1 55.273651 -3.80869
DG3 4AR 10 0 55.279571 -3.865561
DG3 4AS 1 0 55.274817 -3.848997
DG3 4AT 5 0 55.269542 -3.834664
DG3 4AU 2 0 55.261401 -3.8396
DG3 4AW 8 0 55.298395 -3.835019
DG3 4AX 6 0 55.278472 -3.836131
DG3 4BA 7 0 55.233443 -3.816441
DG3 4BE 1 0 55.314565 -3.799285
DG3 4BG 6 0 55.232759 -3.81468