all postcodes in DG / Dumfries

find any address or company within the DG postcode area

Postcode Area

DG / Dumfries

Postcode District

DG / Dumfries

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DG1 1RU 5 0 55.108306 -3.577487
DG1 1RX 7 0 55.108863 -3.578151
DG1 1RY 16 2 55.108337 -3.579228
DG1 1RZ 5 0 55.110213 -3.579427
DG1 1SA 22 0 55.107559 -3.577504
DG1 1SD 8 0 55.107924 -3.580544
DG1 1SE 9 2 55.087948 -3.593482
DG1 1SF 30 0 55.086512 -3.592356
DG1 1SG 27 0 55.086185 -3.592252
DG1 1SH 15 0 55.095306 -3.590248
DG1 1SJ 6 0 55.099018 -3.597057
DG1 1SL 22 0 55.111924 -3.607308
DG1 1SP 10 0 55.115381 -3.610284
DG1 1SQ 11 0 55.090004 -3.589521
DG1 1SR 5 0 55.117066 -3.607875
DG1 1SS 16 0 55.117067 -3.606464
DG1 1ST 29 0 55.116942 -3.60707
DG1 1SU 2 0 55.116444 -3.600853
DG1 1SW 16 0 55.11538 -3.609014
DG1 1SX 11 0 55.122187 -3.608018