all postcodes in DL1 / DARLINGTON

find any address or company within the DL1 postcode district

Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL1 5TF 0 54.5127 -1.558941
DL1 5TG 1 54.513985 -1.55902
DL1 5TH 0 54.512824 -1.56087
DL1 5TJ 0 54.511513 -1.557029
DL1 5TL 0 54.51153 -1.558676
DL1 5TN 0 54.511937 -1.556833
DL1 5TP 0 54.510632 -1.5569
DL1 5TQ 0 54.513562 -1.559293
DL1 5TR 0 54.510039 -1.55703
DL1 5TS 0 54.509411 -1.554813
DL1 5TT 0 54.509831 -1.55416
DL1 5TU 0 54.51026 -1.555885
DL1 5TW 0 54.512223 -1.556475
DL1 5TX 0 54.510372 -1.554663
DL1 5TY 0 54.510876 -1.554735
DL1 5TZ 0 54.510979 -1.553452
DL1 5UA 0 54.514013 -1.552523
DL1 5UH 0 54.516639 -1.548215
DL1 5UQ 0 54.516884 -1.548129
DL1 5YA 0 54.517176 -1.561627