all postcodes in DL10 / RICHMOND

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Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL10 6HD 3 0 54.484178 -1.654364
DL10 6HE 5 0 54.488826 -1.651247
DL10 6HF 2 0 54.484686 -1.652255
DL10 6HG 1 0 54.488155 -1.649932
DL10 6HH 2 0 54.478548 -1.634281
DL10 6HJ 3 0 54.479309 -1.63371
DL10 6HL 4 0 54.47946 -1.633245
DL10 6HN 3 1 54.47873 -1.620359
DL10 6HP 3 0 54.489827 -1.631995
DL10 6HQ 14 1 54.479762 -1.631977
DL10 6HR 1 0 54.465612 -1.636563
DL10 6HS 1 0 54.467351 -1.623202
DL10 6HT 1 0 54.466879 -1.6077
DL10 6HU 1 0 54.460697 -1.631022
DL10 6JD 4 0 54.47484 -1.645015
DL10 6JE 4 0 54.475021 -1.644929
DL10 6JF 10 0 54.475787 -1.646272
DL10 6JH 14 2 54.474161 -1.64627
DL10 6JJ 1 0 54.474775 -1.647345
DL10 6JL 4 0 54.473932 -1.647893