all postcodes in DL12 / BARNARD CASTLE

find any address or company within the DL12 postcode district

Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL12 0EE 2 0 54.65855 -2.190753
DL12 0EF 3 0 54.660369 -2.182127
DL12 0EG 2 0 54.655201 -2.162999
DL12 0EH 1 0 54.661 -2.174518
DL12 0EJ 5 0 54.668352 -2.180178
DL12 0EL 2 0 54.664295 -2.204801
DL12 0EP 3 1 54.653217 -2.192408
DL12 0EQ 4 0 54.656082 -2.169924
DL12 0EW 4 0 54.65989 -2.211717
DL12 0HA 4 1 54.6644 -2.206919
DL12 0HB 1 0 54.669816 -2.214079
DL12 0HD 2 0 54.672351 -2.217649
DL12 0HE 2 0 54.676495 -2.222246
DL12 0HF 3 0 54.672758 -2.231616
DL12 0HH 2 0 54.667162 -2.229622
DL12 0HJ 1 0 54.67056 -2.229573
DL12 0HL 3 0 54.664645 -2.221121
DL12 0HQ 1 1 54.662648 -2.253851
DL12 0HT 1 0 54.693585 -2.28031
DL12 0HX 7 0 54.686303 -2.273869