all postcodes in DL13 / BISHOP AUCKLAND

find any address or company within the DL13 postcode district

Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL13 1SH 0 54.735762 -2.144299
DL13 1SJ 1 54.733287 -2.141161
DL13 1SL 0 54.731738 -2.134967
DL13 1SN 1 54.7357 -2.137023
DL13 1SP 0 54.734783 -2.128284
DL13 1SQ 0 54.736066 -2.139882
DL13 1SR 1 54.734354 -2.118678
DL13 1SS 0 54.730254 -2.12098
DL13 1ST 0 54.733859 -2.110026
DL13 1SW 0 54.732443 -2.131367
DL13 1FA 3 0 54.742902 -2.204477
DL13 1HP 1 0 54.744661 -2.22631
DL13 1DG 0 54.75897 -2.22876