all postcodes in DL13 / BISHOP AUCKLAND

find any address or company within the DL13 postcode district

Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL13 2JX 0 54.744633 -2.037451
DL13 2JY 0 54.744335 -2.062274
DL13 2LA 0 54.742993 -2.080174
DL13 2LB 0 54.745541 -2.098183
DL13 2LF 1 54.735635 -2.101963
DL13 2LG 1 54.738188 -2.078587
DL13 2LJ 2 54.737554 -2.055662
DL13 2LL 1 54.740877 -2.038069
DL13 2LN 0 54.743044 -2.030786
DL13 2LQ 2 54.74037 -2.066088
DL13 2LU 0 54.748547 -2.014913
DL13 2LX 0 54.75145 -2.013019
DL13 2LY 0 54.748072 -2.007969
DL13 2LZ 0 54.748727 -2.00859
DL13 2NA 0 54.749042 -2.009212
DL13 2NB 0 54.748997 -2.008233
DL13 2ND 1 54.748889 -2.010066
DL13 2NE 1 54.748494 -2.009134
DL13 2NF 0 54.749347 -2.010595
DL13 2NG 0 54.749078 -2.010455