all postcodes in DL14 / CROOK

find any address or company within the DL14 postcode district

Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL14 6LL 10 0 54.651455 -1.686191
DL14 6LN 5 0 54.65201 -1.685118
DL14 6LP 6 0 54.653927 -1.682793
DL14 6LQ 9 0 54.651553 -1.689166
DL14 6LR 15 0 54.654255 -1.684449
DL14 6LS 13 2 54.65286 -1.687219
DL14 6LT 15 0 54.653802 -1.68639
DL14 6LU 36 0 54.652245 -1.685782
DL14 6LW 22 0 54.653382 -1.683976
DL14 6LX 5 0 54.654467 -1.686711
DL14 6LY 23 0 54.653814 -1.687553
DL14 6LZ 7 0 54.654325 -1.687223
DL14 6NA 13 0 54.654255 -1.688138
DL14 6NB 5 0 54.653588 -1.687368
DL14 6ND 9 0 54.653409 -1.687695
DL14 6NE 4 0 54.65229 -1.689037
DL14 6NF 11 0 54.65392 -1.690574
DL14 6NG 12 0 54.653478 -1.689942
DL14 6NH 14 0 54.653814 -1.691412
DL14 6NJ 28 0 54.65405 -1.692108