all postcodes in DL15 / CROOK

find any address or company within the DL15 postcode district

Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL15 0TD 32 0 54.728902 -1.689678
DL15 0TE 30 0 54.730397 -1.690784
DL15 0TF 31 0 54.725897 -1.688319
DL15 0TG 2 0 54.730799 -1.693385
DL15 0TH 2 0 54.733576 -1.686423
DL15 0TJ 9 0 54.731788 -1.672838
DL15 0TL 1 0 54.730668 -1.66412
DL15 0TN 1 1 54.732763 -1.69909
DL15 0TQ 4 0 54.732015 -1.690969
DL15 0TR 2 0 54.730176 -1.714229
DL15 0TS 1 1 54.729152 -1.726088
DL15 0TT 2 0 54.726335 -1.728494
DL15 0TW 2 0 54.725362 -1.711612
DL15 0TX 2 0 54.724911 -1.662191
DL15 0TY 4 2 54.712343 -1.663728
DL15 0UA 2 0 54.707036 -1.665195
DL15 0UE 8 0 54.726679 -1.688018
DL15 0UG 7 0 54.72668 -1.68867
DL15 0UJ 4 0 54.710333 -1.725791
DL15 0UL 35 1 54.710413 -1.729179