all postcodes in DL15 / CROOK

find any address or company within the DL15 postcode district

Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL15 0RR 12 0 54.712738 -1.71642
DL15 0RS 15 0 54.712668 -1.717244
DL15 0RT 1 0 54.712229 -1.717557
DL15 0RU 21 0 54.712263 -1.716765
DL15 0RW 6 2 54.71206 -1.714651
DL15 0RX 15 0 54.712074 -1.716813
DL15 0RY 24 0 54.711747 -1.719268
DL15 0SA 6 0 54.708902 -1.72501
DL15 0SE 1 0 54.706098 -1.724738
DL15 0SF 2 0 54.7081 -1.73189
DL15 0SG 2 1 54.685414 -1.695992
DL15 0SP 2 1 54.718362 -1.686292
DL15 0SR 1 0 54.719537 -1.688942
DL15 0ST 25 0 54.720696 -1.685548
DL15 0SU 4 0 54.723951 -1.679277
DL15 0SW 5 0 54.727912 -1.688893
DL15 0SX 6 1 54.725203 -1.687175
DL15 0SY 8 0 54.725141 -1.687672
DL15 0SZ 21 0 54.724239 -1.686468
DL15 0TB 16 0 54.727435 -1.688617