all postcodes in DL17 / FERRYHILL

find any address or company within the DL17 postcode district

Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL17 8DZ 36 0 54.69077 -1.54146
DL17 8EA 28 0 54.68964 -1.54456
DL17 8EB 6 0 54.689126 -1.546535
DL17 8ED 28 0 54.689091 -1.544256
DL17 8EE 17 0 54.688892 -1.543963
DL17 8EF 3 0 54.689094 -1.547467
DL17 8EN 46 0 54.683599 -1.546411
DL17 8EP 32 0 54.684301 -1.549009
DL17 8ER 46 0 54.684644 -1.549548
DL17 8ES 36 0 54.683842 -1.553714
DL17 8ET 18 2 54.683811 -1.555219
DL17 8EU 15 0 54.683244 -1.554868
DL17 8EW 2 0 54.683262 -1.547403
DL17 8EX 33 1 54.683826 -1.556894
DL17 8EY 24 0 54.683325 -1.557442
DL17 8EZ 22 1 54.6844 -1.556329
DL17 8HA 48 0 54.684616 -1.554015
DL17 8HB 4 0 54.685662 -1.552717
DL17 8HD 44 0 54.685138 -1.554304
DL17 8HE 42 0 54.685677 -1.554361