all postcodes in DL2 / DARLINGTON

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Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL2 3HF 3 0 54.559951 -1.764576
DL2 3HG 2 0 54.574321 -1.738567
DL2 3HH 3 0 54.576205 -1.721127
DL2 3HJ 2 0 54.578642 -1.729567
DL2 3HL 41 2 54.579436 -1.731208
DL2 3HN 5 0 54.579978 -1.732296
DL2 3HP 1 0 54.579622 -1.733583
DL2 3HQ 14 0 54.578139 -1.730072
DL2 3HR 4 0 54.580265 -1.736292
DL2 3HS 32 1 54.580488 -1.73561
DL2 3HT 22 0 54.580221 -1.737004
DL2 3HU 5 0 54.58307 -1.753851
DL2 3HW 2 0 54.579961 -1.73259
DL2 3HX 3 0 54.577679 -1.75427
DL2 3HY 2 0 54.584312 -1.773394
DL2 3HZ 3 0 54.589998 -1.74899
DL2 3JA 17 0 54.592236 -1.744804
DL2 3JB 2 0 54.595688 -1.72868
DL2 3JD 3 0 54.585914 -1.742894
DL2 3JE 1 1 54.57963 -1.737735