all postcodes in DL3 / DARLINGTON

find any address or company within the DL3 postcode district

Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL3 6BH 2 0 54.529976 -1.559759
DL3 6BJ 36 0 54.529772 -1.558856
DL3 6BL 1 0 54.529387 -1.559015
DL3 6BN 8 0 54.529107 -1.558662
DL3 6BP 12 0 54.531973 -1.55857
DL3 6BQ 23 0 54.52956 -1.559662
DL3 6BW 17 0 54.529385 -1.558474
DL3 6DG 32 1 54.531841 -1.571799
DL3 6DH 3 0 54.534182 -1.570646
DL3 6DJ 51 0 54.53549 -1.56935
DL3 6DL 51 1 54.535491 -1.569705
DL3 6DN 36 0 54.535334 -1.570974
DL3 6DQ 11 0 54.533087 -1.570921
DL3 6DR 12 3 54.536718 -1.560336
DL3 6DT 10 0 54.536803 -1.562119
DL3 6DU 10 2 54.536606 -1.564779
DL3 6DX 9 3 54.536529 -1.565831
DL3 6DY 11 0 54.536364 -1.567594
DL3 6DZ 15 0 54.536164 -1.569497
DL3 6EA 12 0 54.536043 -1.57072