all postcodes in DL3 / DARLINGTON

find any address or company within the DL3 postcode district

Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL3 0RD 14 0 54.5422 -1.558398
DL3 0XE 16 10 54.553398 -1.560605
DL3 0RE 10 0 54.540065 -1.566952
DL3 0RF 10 0 54.540829 -1.567006
DL3 0RG 1 1 54.542156 -1.5588
DL3 0RH 26 0 54.542253 -1.557541
DL3 0RJ 18 0 54.543059 -1.557585
DL3 0RL 8 0 54.543682 -1.558273
DL3 0RP 15 9 54.54597 -1.559671
DL3 0RQ 12 0 54.542567 -1.557961
DL3 0RR 17 0 54.545769 -1.558838
DL3 0RS 35 0 54.541422 -1.567154
DL3 0RU 27 0 54.545668 -1.558113
DL3 0RW 1 1 54.543904 -1.55994
DL3 0RX 7 6 54.546694 -1.55855
DL3 0RY 4 3 54.549661 -1.561517
DL3 0RZ 65 0 54.541024 -1.565808
DL3 0SA 14 0 54.548007 -1.558768
DL3 0SB 16 0 54.548418 -1.558176
DL3 0SD 18 0 54.548105 -1.556247